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Great Mother Goddess Isis

Let's shed light on the captivating story, rich history, and fascinating aspects of the ancient Egyptian goddess, Isis. A revered figure in Egyptian mythology, Isis encompasses a tapestry of powers, symbols, personality traits, and names that she is known by. Let us embark on a journey to unravel the mystique surrounding this extraordinary deity.

At the heart of Isis's character lies her wisdom—a wisdom born from her deep understanding of the mysteries of the universe and her connection to the divine. She was revered as a repository of knowledge, embodying the wisdom of the ages. Through her teachings and guidance, she illuminated the path of enlightenment for her devotees, imparting profound insights into the nature of existence and the secrets of the cosmos.

The religious roots of Isis can be traced back to the rich tapestry of ancient Egyptian mythology. She was revered as a central figure in the Egyptian pantheon, embodying the divine feminine energy and representing the aspects of motherhood, fertility, and protection. Her worship permeated all levels of society, from pharaohs and priests to commoners seeking solace and blessings. Her temples, adorned with intricate carvings and sacred rituals, served as sanctuaries of spiritual devotion and enlightenment.

The story of Isis weaves through the annals of time, entwined with the narrative of her beloved husband Osiris and their son Horus. Her tale embodies the triumph of life over death, the power of transformation, and the enduring bond of family. In her unwavering quest to revive Osiris, Isis showcases her strength, determination, and unwavering love.

As a skilled practitioner of magic, she possessed the ability to manipulate the forces of the universe, transcending the boundaries of the physical realm. When we explore her powers, we uncover a goddess of remarkable abilities. Isis was renowned for harnessing the mystical forces to heal the sick, bring fertility to the land, protect the vulnerable, and bestow blessings upon her devotees---and generational curses upon those who went up against her as an enemy. She possessed the wisdom and knowledge of ancient spells and incantations, utilizing them to weave profound transformations and offer solace in times of turmoil.

Her magic was not merely an exercise of power, but a manifestation of her deep connection to the divine and her desire to bring harmony and balance to the world.

Yet, amidst her vast wisdom and magical prowess, Isis exhibited a temperament that was both compassionate and fierce. She was known for her unwavering devotion to her family and her people, displaying a motherly love that knew no bounds. Her compassion extended to all living beings, as she nurtured and protected those in need. However, when faced with adversity or threats to her loved ones, she displayed a fierce and determined spirit, unyielding in her pursuit of justice and the preservation of order.

In examining her personality and character, Isis emerges as a goddess of compassion and determination. Her love for her family, her people, and humanity as a whole radiates through her deeds. Her determination and resilience shine through her relentless pursuit of justice and the preservation of her lineage.

Isis's symbols evoke profound meanings and encapsulate her diverse qualities. The throne, representing her regal authority, underscores her status as a queen among the gods. The sistrum, a musical instrument, symbolizes her connection to rituals and worship, resonating with the rhythms of devotion. The ankh, the symbol of life, reminds us of her role in bestowing eternal existence and the power of creation.

Isis is known by various names and titles. She was said to have ten thousand names, each encapsulating a facet of her divine essence. Some of the names by which Isis is known:

  • Aset - This is the most common and widely used ancient Egyptian name for Isis. It reflects her prominence and reverence among the people of Egypt.

  • Au Set - This name is derived from the ancient Egyptian language and signifies her role as a powerful deity.

  • Eset - This name is another variation of the ancient Egyptian name Aset and is used to refer to Isis in different contexts.

  • Hesat - In the ancient Egyptian religion, Hesat was associated with fertility and nourishment. As Isis embodies these qualities, she is sometimes referred to by this name.

  • Mistress of Magic - This title emphasizes Isis's deep knowledge and expertise in magic and spellcasting.

  • Lady of Heaven - Reflecting her celestial connections, this title underscores Isis's position among the gods and her association with the celestial realm.

  • Queen of the Earth - This title highlights Isis's regal stature and her connection to the earth, its fertility, and abundance.

  • Mother of Horus - As the mother of Horus, the falcon-headed god, Isis is often referred to by this name. It symbolizes her role as a nurturing and protective mother figure.

  • The Great One - This epithet emphasizes the vastness of Isis's power and her exalted status among the Egyptian pantheon.

  • Goddess of Magic and Healing - This title encompasses two of Isis's significant powers, highlighting her mastery of magic and her role as a healer.

  • Mistress of the Two Lands - This name refers to Isis's dominion over both Upper and Lower Egypt, signifying her authority and influence throughout the entire kingdom.

The legacy of Isis transcends time and borders, captivating hearts and minds across civilizations. Her story and attributes have left an indelible mark on human consciousness. From ancient Egypt to the modern era, her wisdom, healing touch, and transformative powers continue to inspire seekers of truth and spiritual enlightenment.

The story and history of Isis stand as a testament to the power of love, determination, and compassion. Her multifaceted powers, represented by sacred symbols, embody the essence of ancient Egyptian spirituality. Her personality, characterized by resilience and nurturing grace, leaves an indelible imprint on the hearts of her devotees.

Let us remember Isis by the names she is known by, from Aset to Lady of Heaven, Queen of the Earth, and Mother of Horus. May her legacy serve as a guiding light, inspiring us to embrace our own innate powers, exhibit compassion, and seek transformative wisdom in our journey through life.


This hymn is inscribed in hieroglyphs on the rear wall of the temple of Isis at Philae – circa 300 BCE

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One, The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven, Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris, The supreme overseer of the Golden Ones in the temples, The Eldest son, first born of Geb.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One, The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven, Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris, The Bull, the Lion who overthrows all his enemies, The Lord and ruler of eternity.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One, The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven, Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Elect One of Osiris, The perfect youth who performs slaughter among the disaffected of the Two Lands.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One, The mother of Horus, Lady of Heaven, Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris, One who protects her brother and watches over the weary-of-heart.

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One, God’s mother, Lady of Heaven, Mistress and Queen of the gods.

You are the First Royal Spouse of Osiris, The Eternal One rejuvenating himself, who raised up Eternity: You are with him in the Temple (of Philae).

Praise to you, Isis, the Great One, God’s mother, Lady of Heaven, Mistress and Queen of the gods.

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